Thursday, May 13, 2010

carter's warrior training


marcijudd said...

So cute. You have to love dads with there little boys. There aren't a whole lot of things sweeter than that.

Stef said...

That is awesome! Seriously. ALl boys need their daddies because there aren't many moms who would full on throw full sized pillows at their children. Good for them!!

Andy and Michele said...

Ha, ha! I love how tough boys are, but maybe that's why they're so tough!! I love hearing Ty laugh with Carter. Cute, cute!

B said...

too cute!

srf said...

Only you would laugh at someone knocking your kid down with an object bigger than they are. I am afraid one of these days Carter is going to wake up and you are going to be standing over him holding a ceramic pig. Where is Arnold anyway? I haven't seen him since we were roommates. I certainly hope you didn't take it.

Clint and Tiffany said...

I'm glad to see that my kids aren't the only ones who get attacked by giant pillows! That's one of the favorite activities 'round our house! Well, that and wrestling, of course!! LOL Hard to believe he's so big and grown up already {Carter, not Ty. Still not sure if we can consider ANY of our husbands grown up yet...} Love it!