Thursday, June 4, 2009

the burbs

as reliably as the ground hog announces spring, in michigan, the shirtless men doing yard work announce the arrival of summer. while i do not always appreciate this partially dis-robbed scenery, i do enjoy that summer brings people out of their houses. and in our neighborhood, that means that you get to see and visit with the friendly neighbors frequently.

we sent ty up another tree with a chain saw (this time per my request) to trim a few branches off the trees in our front yard. they needed to be cleaned up. so ty busted out the tall ladder that swayed back and forth every time he ascended to a higher rung, and he began trimming. but it didn't take long for this spectacle to draw a crowd. now i don't know if it is the hum of power tools that draw the neighbor hood men over, but every time tyrell is out working on something, our neighbors come over to investigate. they initially come out and assess the situation, and then before you know it, they are offering their services, their tools, a reference to a buddy they know who does these sorts of things etc. it was no different with the tree. they brought out their chain saws and clippers and started cutting the fallen branches so they could be taken to the back yard.

as ty was up there we had people stop as they were driving by, walking by, and people coming out of their houses to watch the branches come down. nothing like afternoon entertainment at the neighbors. and most fortunately no one fell or was dismembered:) we like living on parker street, thanks to all our nice neighbors.


cluffgirl said...

Hehe, your little guy is SOOO cute!!! And looks so much like the 2 of you :) Hopefully we will be able to see this little guy live in person one day!

Stef said...

Those are total BOY TOYS. The sound of a chainsaw probably was making your neighborhood men slobber. Hahaha. But what a blessing to have great neighbors! And what a brave hubby to climb so high with a CHAINSAW in his hand. Ha. Those Pima boys!!